The Man in the Trunk (2019)
35K Crime Drama Genre Horror Aaron Fairley Ace Marrero Cassie Self Erik Bogh Jennica Schwartzman Kait Bradley Kris Pruett Kyle Whisner Lindsey McCollough Marc Hampson Mark Landon Smith Robert Flaherty Hart Ronnie Ursenbach Ross Butler Ryan Schwartzman Vanessa Reynolds Whitney Masters Zach Stolz 2019 5 English Marc Hampson United States
The Man in the Trunk: Directed by Marc Hampson. With Ace Marrero, Erik Bogh, Vanessa Reynolds, Ryan Schwartzman. A late night knock at the door from an absent friend brings the question – “I need you to come with me, but I can’t tell you where we’re going or what we’re going to do.” How far would you go to help those you care about?
“Donu0026#39;t normally comment but thought this was quite good for a low budget film. Acting was good and also the story was good. Keeps you guessing about why, but alls clear in the end.”