Teheran Tabu (2017)
51K Animation Drama Genre Adem Karaduman Aida Loos Ali Soozandeh Alireza Bayram Arash Marandi Elmira Rafizadeh Farhad Payar Gernot Polak Grit Kienzlen Hasan Ali Mete Jasmina Ali Kaan San Klaus Ofczarek Milinko Ametovic Beganovic Morteza Latif Negar Mona Alizadeh Payam Madjlessi Roxana Stern Sadegh Saremi Siir Eloglu Thomas Nash Zahra Amir Ebrahimi 2017 6.3 Ali Soozandeh Germany Persian
Teheran Tabu: Directed by Ali Soozandeh. With Jasmina Ali, Hasan Ali Mete, Zahra Amir Ebrahimi, Milinko Ametovic Beganovic. In their desperate search for freedom and happiness, four young people from Tehran, Iran are forced to break the taboos of a restrictive, islamic society.
“Exploring the sexual u0026amp; gender double standards in contemporary Iran, all resulting from their strict religious codes, Tehran Taboo paints a thoroughly fascinating portrait of everyday life lived in the bustling modern metropolis where breaking societal taboos has now become the only way for its people to achieve freedom u0026amp; happiness.”