Chaos Theory (2008)
21K Comedy Drama Genre Romance Alessandro Juliani Alisa Fraser Brad Cranfield Chris William Martin Christine Chatelain Christopher Jacot Constance Zimmer Dale Vine Dan Reilly Dani Wales Daniel Taplitz Darren Jolly Darren Palmer David Barbour David Berner Deanne Jolly Denalda Williams Elisabeth Harnois Emily Mortimer George Douros Jenna Whitehead Jocelyne Loewen Josh Densten Jovanna Burke Julian Cress Keith Schleiger Kimberley Owen Linnea Sharples Lisa Calder Lysandra Fraser Marcos Siega Matreya Fedor Matt Di Costa Mike Erwin Neil Whitaker Patricia Idlette Rebecca Douros Ryan Reynolds Sarah Chalke Scott Cam Shaynna Blaze Shelley Craft Stuart Townsend Ty Olsson 2008 7.2 Australia English Marcos Siega
Chaos Theory: Directed by Marcos Siega. With Ryan Reynolds, Emily Mortimer, Stuart Townsend, Sarah Chalke. The story of an obsessively organized efficiency expert whose life unravels in unexpected ways when fate forces him to explore the serendipitous nature of love and forgiveness.
“I like when they build stuff but the foreman says they have to rip it out and start again. Happens every episode”