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Beneath: Directed by Ben Ketai. With Brent Briscoe, Kurt Caceres, Eric Etebari, Jeff Fahey. A crew of coal miners becomes trapped 600 feet below ground after a disastrous collapse. As the air grows more toxic and time runs out, they slowly descend into madness and begin to turn on one another.

“My quick rating 4,9/10. The trapped in the coal mine flick is back. Being trapped with u0026quot;somethingu0026quot; is a common theme for horror/thriller movies to use so canu0026#39;t go anywhere really on originality. Ther are a few good things about this movie even though it is straight formula. The most important is the way the focus is back and forth between something being down there (demon, spirit, etc.) or just hallucinations due to lack of oxygen and the miners losing it mentally. Throughout he whole movie you will be wondering which it is (and no i am not saying). The other plus is the fact that the use of lighting is well done to only allow the lights the characters have illuminate the scene. That being said the movie spends a solid 10 minutes of an 80 minute film in complete darkness. Literally. This doesnu0026#39;t mix too well with often entirely to shaky footage when you can see. This major distraction is unbearable at some parts and takes away greatly from what couldu0026#39;ve been a good flick. Still worth seeing but I suggest on cable.”


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