Der Fall Winslow (1948)

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Der Fall Winslow: Directed by Anthony Asquith. With Robert Donat, Cedric Hardwicke, Basil Radford, Margaret Leighton. In pre-WWI England, a youngster is expelled from a naval academy over a petty theft, and his parents raise a political furor by demanding a trial.

“With all due respect to David Mamet, this is THE definitive version of this story. Based on an excellent stage drama by Terence Rattigan – itself based on an actual, (now) obscure British trial from a century ago – the film is unfortunately unavailable on DVD in the United States at this time. Watch for it to occasionally turn up on TCM, however. I agree with the rave review left by u0026quot;the old romanu0026quot; – itu0026#39;s worth staying up for. BTW, Robert Donat (of u0026quot;The 39 Stepsu0026quot; fame) easily steals the film as the barrister Sir Robert Morton. After watching his performance, itu0026#39;s easy to see why he won the Best Actor Oscar in 1939 (for u0026quot;Goodbye Mr. Chipsu0026quot;) against such stiff competition as Clark Gable (u0026quot;Gone With The Windu0026quot;), James Stewart (u0026quot;Mr. Smith Goes To Washingtonu0026quot;) and Laurence Olivier (u0026quot;Wuthering Heightsu0026quot;)!”


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