Toruk: The First Flight (TV Movie 2016)
67K Action Adventure Fantasy Genre Adrian Wills Cumie Dunio Daniel Crisp Elizabeth Brown Fabrice Daudet Grazaï Gabriel Christo Giulia Piolanti Guillaume Paquin Helen Day James Cameron Jeremiah Hughes Joshua Roberts Kailah Cabanas Kristi Hughes Lydia Harper Michel Lemieux Nick Barlow Priscilia Le Foll Raymond O'Neill Rob Laqui Sébastien Clarke Stacey Magiera Victor Pilon Zoé Sabattie 2016 7.4 Canada Michel Lemieux
Toruk: The First Flight: Directed by Michel Lemieux, Victor Pilon, Adrian Wills, James Cameron, Neilson Vignola. With Cumie Dunio, Raymond O’Neill, Gabriel Christo, Jeremiah Hughes. A visually breathtaking odyssey inspired by the James Cameron’s Classic “Avatar”.
“This is absolutely fantastic I have seen this live and it is just magnificent”