Good Friday (2020)
68K Crime Drama Family Genre Billy Griffith Brandon J. Dirden Christopher Martinez Colin Critchley Dan Stone Danny Binstock Donna Vivino Emma Thorne Frederick Buford Jennifer Sklias-Gahan Jordan Lage Lily Wen Murphy Guyer Ned Riseley Nick Hetherington Raquel Merediz Rebecca Merle Rupak Ginn Sharrieff Pugh Teagle F. Bougere Timothy Stickney 2020 4.2 Dan Stone English United States
Good Friday: Directed by Dan Stone. With Danny Binstock, Jordan Lage, Timothy Stickney, Teagle F. Bougere. Lucas Cole, prosecutor and single parent, faces a day of life-defining choices when he is enticed to dismiss a charge of hit and run while intoxicated, by the wife of a wealthy media mogul.
“Who was the guy he was meeting on the park bench? Not my favorite movie.”