Cosmic Sin (2021)
65K Action Adventure Genre Adelaide Kane Austin Humble Brandon Thomas Lee Bruce Willis C.J. Perry Christian Hicks Corey Large Costas Mandylor Edward Drake Eric Buarque Eva De Dominici Everly Large Frank Grillo Lochlyn Munro Mark Rhynard Perrey Reeves Robert Laenen Sarah May Sommers Tabitha Woodman Trevor Brotherton Trevor Gretzky 2021 5.8 Edward Drake English Germany
Cosmic Sin: Directed by Edward Drake. With Frank Grillo, Bruce Willis, Brandon Thomas Lee, Corey Large. Seven rogue soldiers launch a preemptive strike against a newly discovered alien civilization in the hopes of ending an interstellar war before it starts.
“I have no words to describe how truly awful this movie is. Best part of the movie is the backing music to the credits.”