Der letzte Mohikaner (1992)
48K Action Adventure Drama Genre Colm Meaney Daniel Day-Lewis David Schofield Dennis Banks Edward Blatchford Eric D. Sandgren Eric Schweig James Fenimore Cooper Jodhi May John L. Balderston Justin M. Rice Mac Andrews Madeleine Stowe Malcolm Storry Maurice Roëves Michael Mann Patrice Chéreau Paul Perez Pete Postlethwaite Russell Means Steven Waddington Terry Kinney Tracey Ellis Wes Studi 1992 7.4 English Germany Michael Mann
Der letzte Mohikaner: Directed by Michael Mann. With Daniel Day-Lewis, Madeleine Stowe, Russell Means, Eric Schweig. Three trappers protect the daughters of a British Colonel in the midst of the French and Indian War.
“u0026quot;The Last of the Mohicansu0026quot; is a very good film that was basically ignored by everyone in 1992. Based on James Fenimore Cooperu0026#39;s novel of the same name, the movie is impressive in every way imaginable. Daniel Day-Lewis and Madeleine Stowe are best in the ensemble cast. Michael Mannu0026#39;s direction has rarely been better. 4.5 out of 5 stars.”