Come Play (2020)
59K Drama Genre Horror Mystery Alana-Ashley Marques Alex Spencer Ana Araujo Azhy Robertson Dalmar Abuzeid Eboni Booth Gavin MacIver-Wright Gillian Jacobs Ish Morris Jacob Chase Jayden Marine Jess Salgueiro John Gallagher Jr. Kate Fenton Rachel Wilson Winslow Fegley 2020 5.5 English Jacob Chase United States
Come Play: Directed by Jacob Chase. With Azhy Robertson, Gillian Jacobs, John Gallagher Jr., Winslow Fegley. A monster named Larry manifests itself through smart phones and mobile devices. Feature film version of the 2017 short film.
“Iu0026#39;ve seen better and worse, but for what it is, as a PG-13 horror movie, I think it does really well. Itu0026#39;s short on scares, so donu0026#39;t go into this hoping to be scared out of your mind, but I think the emotional power that the message conveys is definitely worth a viewing. Definitely struck my heart strings by the ending. Itu0026#39;s definitely derivative of several movies, but itu0026#39;s pretty good for sure.”