Submission (2017)
38K Drama Genre Mystery Addison Timlin Alison Bartlett Ashley Trawinski Barbara Spiegel Colby Minifie David Pittu Devin Kawaoka Doug Trapp Francine Prose Henry Stram Janeane Garofalo Juan Castano Kenneth De Abrew Kyra Sedgwick Malika Samuel Nicole Orth-Pallavicini Peter Gallagher Richard Levine Ritchie Coster S.J. Son Stanley Tucci Stephanie Berry 2017 6.4 English Germany Richard Levine
Submission: Directed by Richard Levine. With Stanley Tucci, Addison Timlin, Janeane Garofalo, Kyra Sedgwick. A cynical college professor takes a keen interest in a talented young writing student.
“Despite strong performances and good direction this film fizzles out and leaves you disappointed with too many unanswered questions.”