Axcellerator (2020)
24K Action Genre Andrew Gorsuch David Giancola David Johnson Elias Carter Gia Grillo John James John Romeo Laura James Lenny Montuori Maria Hill Barnes Mark 'Woody' Keppel Maxwell Caulfield Michael B. Fisher Mike Ford Pierre Vachon Robert Firpo Ron Marcus Ryan Wesen Sam J. Jones Sean Young Tim Philbin Tom Lichtman 2020 5 David Giancola United States
Axcellerator: Directed by David Giancola. With Ryan Wesen, Mark ‘Woody’ Keppel, John James, Maxwell Caulfield. When a young car thief stumbles on the invention of the century (and the various government agencies that want to kill him), he and a sassy checkout clerk named Kate have the adventure of a lifetime.
“This movie has some decent acting. The special effects are pretty good and the plot is pretty enjoyable. For a netfix movie, it was worth watching.”