Bigfoot Junior (2017)
23K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Barrie D. Buckner Jr. Ben Stassen Bob Barlen Brody Hessin Cal Brunker Cinda Adams David Epstein George Babbit Grant George James Fredrick Jeff Doucette Jeremy Degruson Joey Camen John Allsopp Kirk Thornton Kyle Hebert Laila Berzins Lex Lang Mari Devon Pappy Faulkner Sandy Fox Steve Kramer Tom Blank Victor Friedland 2017 5.8 English Germany Jeremy Degruson
Bigfoot Junior: Directed by Jeremy Degruson, Ben Stassen. With Cinda Adams, Mari Devon, Kirk Thornton, John Allsopp. A young teenage boy sets out to find his missing father, only to discover that he’s actually the mythical creature known as Bigfoot.
“The Son of Bigfoot is likable movie, the kids going to enjoy this movie. Its a fun ride and the characters are well written.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eThis movie can be watched by all age groups, the animation is good.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eI would recommend to anyone who loves animation movies….”