Digimon Adventure Tri. 6: Unsere Zukunft (2018)
50K Action Adventure Animation Genre Aaron LaPlante Akiyoshi Hongo Cherami Leigh Colleen O'Shaughnessey Cristina Valenzuela Daisuke Namikawa John Eric Bentley Johnny Yong Bosch Junko Takeuchi Junya Enoki Kate Higgins Kirk Thornton Kyle Hebert Mona Marshall Natsuki Hanae Philece Sampler Robbie Daymond Takahiro Sakurai Tara Sands Vic Mignogna Yoshimasa Hosoya 62018 7.1 Germany Japanese
Digimon Adventure Tri. 6: Unsere Zukunft: With Cristina Valenzuela, Cherami Leigh, Johnny Yong Bosch, Robbie Daymond. The DigiDestined must stand together to prevent the digital world from swallowing the real world.
“Well, nothing paid off at all. After watching the entire series, I almost feel as if there was no overall plan for the story arc and each installment was written by different people who had their own ideas of where to take it. I couldnu0026#39;t feel the payoff at all and it was quite messy.”