After (2017)
57K Drama Genre Andre Collares Ben Brown Brenda Starcher Bridgette Kreuz Carolyn Schultz Christine Chandler Dan Nye Heather Caldwell J.T. McDaniel Jennifer Brown Jim Foreman Jon Rodriguez Lew Sleeman Michelle Brown Ralph Scott Richard Napoli Robert Bates Shaun Brown Taylor Diaz-Mercado Tiffany Kiely Tim Mayo Trevor Raine Bush 2017 5 Ben Brown English United States
After: Directed by Ben Brown. With Ben Brown, Jennifer Brown, Michelle Brown, Shaun Brown. An aging man lies bleeding to death in an alley. As onlookers start to gather around, he reflects on the life that he has lived.
“Had the opportunity to see this film at a screening in January 2018. Amazing initial directing effort by Ben Brown. Shot in Columbus, Ohio, Brownu0026#39;s story of a man haunted by his past, and perhaps looking for answers, delivers on so many levels. Performances by Lew Sleeman, Tifani Ahren Davis and Carolyn Schultz, as well as other cast members, make for a gripping and engaging film. Visual effects are outstanding. Highly recommend.”