Desert Cathedral (2014)
41K Drama Genre Mystery Thriller Alan Lee Baker Aron Michael Thompson Chaske Spencer Garr Godfrey Jack Epner Jason Dodson Julia Reed Nichols Kevin Barrans Kevin Cook Lee Tergesen Lisa Carswell Petra Wright Phil Andrade Russell Hodgkinson Seth Warren Sophia Mitri Schloss Sylvie Davidson Telisa Steen Terry Edward Moore Tony Doupe Travis Gutiérrez Senger 2014 6.7 English Travis Gutiérrez Senger United States
Desert Cathedral: Directed by Travis Gutiérrez Senger. With Lee Tergesen, Chaske Spencer, Petra Wright, Tony Doupe. A broken real estate developer mysteriously disappears into the Southwest in 1992, leaving behind a series of VHS tapes to his employer and family.
“The film was flawlessly acted and the characters adequately fleshed out, but the pacing was excruciatingly slow with little to no story arc. I actually like slow dramas, but this was a lot like watching paint dry.”