Endgame 2050 (2020)
62K Documentary Genre Alicia Graves Bandana Chawla Boris Worm Claire Kremen Daniel H. Miller David LaDuca David M. Romps James Gerber John Johnston Josh LaJaunie Kellen Goff Kim Williams Malcom Potts Michelle McMacken Moby Munish Chawla Paul Ehrlich Robert Ostfeld Sofia Pineda Ochoa Sora Amamiya T. Colin Campbell William Ryerson Yûsuke Kobayashi 8.1 English Sofia Pineda Ochoa United States
Endgame 2050: Directed by Sofia Pineda Ochoa. With Sofia Pineda Ochoa, Moby, Paul Ehrlich, Boris Worm. Humanity has backed itself into an ecological endgame as we approach the year 2050. Featuring Moby and prominent scientists, ENDGAME 2050 lays out the reality that, unless we act urgently now, we are hastening our own destruction.
“I was expecting more about the dangers of AI , social engineering and so on.nGlobal warmings have been happening before and independently of man.nThis show reduced nearly all our problems to just eating meat.”