Love's Last Resort (2017)
43K Comedy Drama Genre Romance Alan Thicke Alix Angelis April Bowlby Blaine Chiappetta Bob Rumnock Brian Herzlinger Chris Fishel Ellen Greene Francisco Orozco Jr. George Greader Gina Hoyt Jamison Newlander Jay Alfonso Lopez Jr. Jean St. James Jesse Hutch Josh Schultz Libby Mueller Lily Rains Melissa Rundle Pat Kaye Robert Quigley Sarah Schultz Thomas Beaudoin 6.3 Brian Herzlinger English United States
Love’s Last Resort: Directed by Brian Herzlinger. With Alix Angelis, Jesse Hutch, Thomas Beaudoin, Alan Thicke. After Eric and Chloe’s breaking up, something happens in their lives.
“I except and enjoy hallmark movies so the short comings of this movie were not a problem for me. If youu0026#39;re in the mood for funny Hallmark movie you will enjoy this movie. I could relate to the characters in so many ways it kept my attention from beginning to end. Hallmark movies writings are never perfect as in this one. The plot had some realistic issues I believe that are worth watching. I think the actors in this movie did a great job for what they had to work with. Itu0026#39;s a fun movie and the lead actor is hottie.”