Survivors (2015)
46K Drama Genre Horror Thriller Adam Spinks Adrian Annis Alan Harman Ali Currey Antony D. Lane David Anderson David Anthony Green Emma Lillie Lees Jeffrey Mundell Joanne Gale Lauren Hutchings Laurence Timms Lucy Chappell Luke Kaile Lydia Kay Nathaniel Francis Rich Keeble Simon Burbage Sophie Lloyd-Black Steve Davis Vanessa Mayfield Victoria Leigh-Radzan 2015 4 Adam Spinks English United States
Survivors: Directed by Adam Spinks. With David Anderson, Adrian Annis, Simon Burbage, Lucy Chappell. The outbreak of a deadly virus sends the UK into a state of emergency, into a war it appears destined to lose. In a world without laws, without order and without anybody watching… how far would you go to survive?
“Dialog is too low and the rest is too loud. Everything sounds overly bassy. Itu0026#39;s hard to understand the characters. I tried to use subtitles but it was obvious whoever did the subtitles couldnu0026#39;t understand the dialog either. A shame because it seems like it might have been a decent low-budget flick.”