Hollywood 90028 (1973)

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Hollywood 90028 (1973). 1h 16m | R

“I just saw this at the New Beverly Cinema in Los Angeles on a double bill with u0026quot;Donu0026#39;t Go In the Houseu0026quot;. The print they showed had u0026quot;TWISTED THROATSu0026quot; as its title. I wonder how many times this film was released in theaters under various titles. The premise sounded promising, but turned out to be long and very dull — full of non-stop rambling dialog and shots of people walking around slowly that went on and on forever and ever. This is no horror movie!!! Itu0026#39;s basically u0026quot;Maniacu0026quot; without the gore or killings. There are some nice shots or early 70u0026#39;s Los Angeles — especially when it shows old closed down strip clubs of yesteryear like The Pink Pussycat.”


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