More Ants in the Pants (2002)
66KMore Ants in the Pants (2002). 1h 25m
“A German teen sex comedy? Who knew. And itu0026#39;s a good one, too. Apparently a sequel to Harte Jungs, we meet Florian who wakes up and finds, uh, his genitals alive and talking. And it demands pretty much one thing and one thing only. What results of course is the kid torn between his crush/love for the pretty girl Maja and his animated lust for any female he runs into. Not of much help is his even hornier buddy, aptly nicknamed Red Bull, who devises the most devious tricks to get it on with girls, things that only help get Florian into trouble. The situations are truly comical and itu0026#39;s just one funny outrageous moment after another. Thereu0026#39;s a lot of bathroom humor, some of which is perhaps too much. But unlike American movies, not all bodily fluids are used. The movie as a whole has an American feel to it in itu0026#39;s competent direction, but it doesnu0026#39;t lose its original German touch and heart. This is not like American comedies filmed in Europe. The acting is excellent, even the extras in the background are all doing their best. There are a lot of gorgeous women here but not much nudity unfortunately. The movie itself is really a soft R-rated movie despite the X-theme. The German DVD includes deleted scenes which include some more nudity that would have made this movie more of a harder R. There are a lot of extras on the DVD. Despite covering familiar ground this is a very funny and fresh comedy. Donu0026#39;t miss it.”