Doc Holliday (2023)
66KDoc Holliday (2023). 2h 32m
“I didnu0026#39;t necessarily see Zembrodu0026#39;s Holiday as a copy of Val Kilmer. For me I saw more Dennis Quaid than Val. In fact when I first saw him and heard him speak Quaid immediately came to mind. Also had I saw a movie still of Zembrod at any point in this picture I would bet somebodyu0026#39;s farm, not mine Lol, that it was Quaid. As far is his accent goes it reminds me more of Douglas Fowley from The Life and Times of Wyatt Earp TV show in the late u0026#39;50s than VKu0026#39;s. Sure, it could have been better because all portrayals are now stacked up against Kilmeru0026#39;s. For the most part I like u0026quot;almostu0026quot; all Holiday portrayals over the decades, including this one, even though a number of scripts took liberties on real events and people.”