The Haunted, the Possessed and the Damned (2024)
26K Horror Arielle Brachfeld Brinke Stevens Carlos Javier Castillo Edward Gusts Emii Ethan McDowell Farrah Laurel Abraham Graham Denman Greg Lewolt Jason Bonell Jessica Cameron John Charles Smith Joston Ramon Theney Kristin Wall Lily Dionne Michael Wayne Foster Mindy Robinson Nihilist Gelo Sachiko Ishida 2024 3.8 English United States
The Haunted, the Possessed and the Damned (2024). The Haunted, the Possessed and the Damned: Directed by Joston Ramon Theney. With Mindy Robinson, Farrah Laurel Abraham, Jessica Cameron, Brinke Stevens. A disgraced detective and newly-weds on the brink of ruin must race against time to save themselves and those they've sworn to protect from The Haunted, The Possessed and The Damned