Wander to Wonder (Short 2023)
60KWander to Wonder (Short 2023). 14m
“Thereu0026#39;s something quite sad about this short feature. Itu0026#39;s all about three once famous kidsu0026#39; television characters who have been abandoned following the end of their run on the small screen. Left to rot, really, forgotten in a fly-ridden room with only loads of old VHS cassettes of happier times, we meet the characters who epitomise so much of what we grew up watching religiously. u0026quot;Maryu0026quot; is still unconvinced that there arenu0026#39;t still people watching somewhere as she scours the colourful letters from the fans; u0026quot;Fumbletonu0026quot; is a disappointed, unfulfilled, thespian and then we have u0026quot;Billybudu0026quot; all longing for the days when u0026quot;Uncle Gillyu0026quot; would take them on adventures and explore their hobbies. When something unexpected happens and their horizons perhaps broaden, red paint takes on a whole new meaning. Itu0026#39;s a poignant look at the simplicity of what once enthralled our younger selves and also at just how fickle we can be when things no longer appeal. I couldnu0026#39;t help but think of the toys I had once cherished but that ended up discarded and broken when I lost interest. I didnu0026#39;t particularly appreciate the conclusion here, but thereu0026#39;s something about this evocative little animation that made me smile, and wonder!”