The Unbreakable Boy (2025)
28KThe Unbreakable Boy (2025). 1h 49m | PG
“I know a guy, probably one the sweetest people youu0026#39;ll ever meet, dealing with a special needs child. He loves his son more than anything and will do anything for him to make life a little easier. I read the reviews and I canu0026#39;t help to wonder how many people here have ever actually met someone with Autism. Because unless you have, thereu0026#39;s no possible way youu0026#39;d understand this film. Perhaps the film was written a little too specifically geared towards people with Autistic children. Still, this guy I know was overwhelmed with emotion because the movie shows the world what parents of Autistic kids deal with daily. Itu0026#39;s a constant battle with a society that has very little empathy.”