The Devil and the Daylong Brothers (2025)
14KThe Devil and the Daylong Brothers (2025). 1h 52m
“I enjoyed The Devil and the Daylong Brothers quite a bit. Itu0026#39;s strengths were itu0026#39;s sharp writing (reminiscent of a Coen brothers film), catchy songs, and how well it nails the Southern Gothic style. Unfortunately the directoru0026#39;s vision exceeded his budget in some of the action scenes but having many of them be musical numbers helps with that. True to the genre, the film explores the darker side of human nature so itu0026#39;s not for everyone but if you can stomach the violence and general evil constantly on display there is a powerful portrayal of mercy in the climax. I would love to see more of the Daylong Brothers quest to get their souls back.”