Iced (1989)
56KIced (1989). 1h 26m | Unrated
“Iu0026#39;m surprised I didnu0026#39;t see the names Joseph Mehri and Richard Pepin associated with this one, as it seemed very, City Lights, handled. Whatu0026#39;s more, a horror in itself, is some of the stars who have turned up in this, like little Wednesday Addams, whou0026#39;s grown up into a real bombshell and Elizabeth Gorcey from Grandview U.S.A. Iced is a mess in a lot of ways. It hardly has any suspense, that gives way to a so awful predictability, where after our time in waiting, the victims are killed off quickly. The little shocker, for the sake of shocker end scene is cute, but stupid, which it could be imaginary, which is just another messy attribute. Essentially, itu0026#39;s a revenge story, where a score of friends are invited to this flash ski resort. They are clichéu0026#39;s of other characters in this sort of caper, like a responsible woman party and of course, the lone jerk dickhead, prankster, etc. One by one, they killed in gruesome ways, one party, not even making it to the cabin. The killer in the snow plough, just happening to be there, leaves a lot to be explained, as other things do in the movie too. Also, like one of the woman banging on the door, and not being heard inside by her friends, before sheu0026#39;s struck in the neck by an icicle (wedge of ice). High points of the movie are of course, Wednesday Adams, the music score, Carl, and the killer identity revealed. Take that all away, apart from the decent acting, this is a slip shod film, where gore houndu0026#39;s patience mayu0026#39;be a little stretched, before the bloodletting ensues. The weak titled movie could of been much more better if more time and care went into it, where instead, we just fall to the weak, typical B, grade fare, where in this case, itu0026#39;s kind of disappointing.”