The Seventh Fire (2015)
30KThe Seventh Fire (2015). 1h 16m | Not Rated
“It isnu0026#39;t a surprising look into the life of natives as I grew up around a reservation (Suquamish) and know first hand what drugs like meth and alcohol do to a community. This documentary film gives us a glimpse into the lives of 2 troubled individuals obviously suffering from substance abuse and alcohol. The kid in this film has a dad but his dad seemingly doesnu0026#39;t give a ratu0026#39;s ass about him and thus he enters the life of drugs and illegal activity. Iu0026#39;ve seen it in my own Samoan community as well. Good film very provocative but it kind of leaves you hanging in the end. I wish it followed up on the lives of the 2 that were documented in this film.”