The Jackpot! (1991)

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The Jackpot! (1991). 1h 42m

“I always thought that the 1994 Arnold Schwarzenegger vehicle u0026quot;True Liesu0026quot; was overrated – a step back into more mindless action films for Arnie after the extra-witty u0026quot;Last Action Herou0026quot;. Learning that it was a remake of a French film, and that in fact James Cameron has lifted entire sequences almost identically, certainly did not raise it in my estimation. But if u0026quot;True Liesu0026quot; was overblown, u0026quot;La Totale!u0026quot; is undercooked: it is essentially a slight, old-fashioned marital farce, punctuated by (very) sporadic action – and some unexpected blood squibs near the end. The two leads, Thierry Lhermitte and Miou Miou, are good, but the film is a little flat. Of course it doesnu0026#39;t help that the u0026quot;officialu0026quot; English subtitles are rather poor, not making full sense at several points (example: u0026quot;cu0026#39;est pas vraiu0026quot; becomes u0026quot;superwayu0026quot;!). **1/2 out of 4.”


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