Hong Kong 97 (1994)

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Hong Kong 97 (1994). 1h 31m | R

“Itu0026#39;s a tragedy to see Albert Pyun slumming it with this sort of direct-to-video car crash, Hong Kong 97 is far from his finest hour, a shame given the potential of the story and setting is a winner. Robert Patrick takes the lead alongside a bunch of B-movie frequenters, including Andrew Divoff, Brion James and Tim Thomerson, they do what they can with the rather poor, cliched script but even then their natural chemistry canu0026#39;t lift whatu0026#39;s fundamentally shoddy writing. Pyunu0026#39;s direction is alright but his action scenes rely too much on choppy slow-motion, lacklustre gunfights and poor staging, I donu0026#39;t think even a better quality of print would be able to save these. I can give some credit to Michael McCartyu0026#39;s score which does a decent job of matching the mood and atmosphere of the setting but thatu0026#39;s about it. While thereu0026#39;s a bit of B-movie fondness to be found with Hong Kong 97, it doesnu0026#39;t mark many of its contributoru0026#39;s finest hours and is probably best left forgotten for the most part; just stick to the AVGN video.”


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