Richard Pryor: Live in Concert (1979)
16K Comedy Documentary Genre Amrita Puri Aniruddha Guha Gauravv K. Chawla Gideon Raff Huey P. Newton Jeff Margolis Jennifer Lee Pryor Kaashvi Nair Manish Chaudhary Nikhil Gonsalves Nikkhil Advani Patti LaBelle Paul Mooney Purab Kohli Richard Pryor Satyadeep Misra 1979 English Gauravv K. Chawla null United States
Richard Pryor: Live in Concert: Directed by Jeff Margolis. With Richard Pryor, Patti LaBelle, Huey P. Newton, Jennifer Lee Pryor. Richard Pryor’s classic 1979 concert film has him discussing a wide range of topics, including race, the police and his favorite target — himself.
“This guy is pretty darn funny. He makes a great dog, for instance. And a great John Wayne. And if youu0026#39;ve seen Eddie Murphyu0026#39;s Delirious, you have to watch this. This is where Eddie stole must of his jokes, and most of his style, only one slight difference: Richard Pryor came first, and itu0026#39;s still better than anything Eddie has ever done. Go see this one. ITu0026#39;S A HOOT!”