One Man Force (1989)
58KOne Man Force (1989). 1h 32m | R
“John Matuszak plays Jake Swan, a rogue cop whose partner was killed. Eventually he seeks revenge on a nice assortment of bad guys. If you close your eyes as u0026quot;One Man Forceu0026quot; begins, the music sounds very Ennio Morricone like, and you might think you had stumbled on a spaghetti western. Instead, what you get is a not too subtle search and destroy mission. Along the way Matuszak dispenses with colorful villains Charles Napier, Robert Tessier, and Richard Lynch. Part of the fun is seeing these three creatively disposed of, deaths like being crushed by a Pepsi machine, or barbecued on a rope. A number of amusing moments make u0026quot;One Man Forceu0026quot; almost watchable. – MERK”