Hands of a Murderer (TV Movie 1990)
24KHands of a Murderer (TV Movie 1990). 1h 30m | Approved
“This one has edward woodward and john hillerman as holmes and watson. Moriarty has escaped his fate once again, and itu0026#39;s up to holmes to track him down. Itu0026#39;s okay, but woodward is such a serious british actor, and rather unknown to me. The story is solid enough, but woodward is so vanilla, that it wasnu0026#39;t as fun to watch as other sherlock holmes stories. Maybe they should have reversed the roles for hillerman and woodward for the murrican audience? Co-stars anthony andrews and peter jeffrey. Itu0026#39;s okay. Pretty dry. The usual berating of lestrade, played by terence lodge. Directed by stuart orme. He was nominated for three baftas! Hillerman was probably best known for magnum private eye, and whatu0026#39;s up doc. This sherlock holmes is okay, but nothing too exciting.”