A Thousand & One Nights (1969)
31K Action Adventure Animation Genre Asao Koike Bear Badeaux Brandon Davis Chinpei Nozue Danshi Tatekawa Eiichi Yamamoto Freddy Harris Haruko Katô Hiroshi Akutagawa Hiroyuki Kumai Isao Hashizume Kazuo Fukazawa Kunika Kizaki Kyôko Kishida Lucas Bakker Minoru Omori Noboru Mitani Noboru Mitsuya Osamu Tezuka Sachiko Itô Sakyo Komatsu Sen Saga Shûsaku Endô Soichi Oya Stanley Reed Takako Ando Takehiko Maeda Verlacy Jordan Yasutaka Tsutsui Yukio Aoshima 1969 6.2 Eiichi Yamamoto Japan Japanese
A Thousand u0026 One Nights: Directed by Eiichi Yamamoto. With Sachiko Itô, Haruko Katô, Noboru Mitani, Hiroshi Akutagawa. The incredible and often tragic adventures of Aladdin as he travels through the Middle East in search of love, fortune, and power.
“The worlds first adult animated film (predating Fritz The Cat by 3 years), A Thousand and One Nights is a bizarre, hallucinogenic, and erotic take on Arabian Nights, that ends up being a strangely entralling watch. An absolute must for fans of obscure animated films!”