Baantjer het begin (2019)
55K Appie Baantjer Arne Toonen Bart Rijnink Bas Keijzer Carl Joos Fedja van Huêt Horace Cohen Jelka van Houten Juda Goslinga Linda Lugtenborg Lisa Smit Loes Luca Martijn Oversteegen Peter Bolhuis Raven van Dorst Robert de Hoog Ruben van der Meer Ruud Smulders Tim Murck Tygo Gernandt Waldemar Torenstra Willem Bosch 2019 6.8 Arne Toonen Dutch Netherlands
Baantjer het begin (2019). 1h 53m | TV-MA
“Okay, the armosphere and sets give you the idea it really is a time warp back to the years of the story. The bad cop interrogation is unnecessary and not like Baantjer would have written a script. Also he would be disgusted by the many swearing and cursing, something he always did not like about the TV series made. Some scenes are funny and touching but leaves some questions unanswered at the end. Waldemar and Tygo play great must be stated.”