My Generation – Michael Caine (2017)

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My Generation – Michael Caine (2017). 1h 25m | TV-PG

“I thought this was going to be an interview with Michael Caine and some clips; it turned out to be a superb documentary on the social revolution I happened to experience. It is the best history of the Swinging Sixties I can imagine. From the social revolution of that time – which is what it was – I found my own history and development. I worked with Duffy, Donovan, Alan Aldridge. Okay, I was on the periphery of so much depicted here, but I was also a classic illustration of it; a working class lad who went to Art School, became an Advertising man, a successful DADA Silver Award winning Art Director, a prize winning illustrator, copywriter, author and painter. Caine was his brilliant self, not showing off, just telling it straight. This has to come out on dvd. And when it does I shall buy it.”


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