Kanashi iro yanen (1988)
62K Action Crime Drama Genre Issei Ogata Kai Atô Kaoru Kobayashi Kazuo Kitamura Kazuyo Matsui Kyôko Enami Masahiro Takashima Masaki Ueda Miwako Fujitani Nobuhiko Kobayashi Tadao Takashima Taisaku Akino Takashi Tsumura Takeshi Katô Tôru Nakamura Yoshihiro Katô Yoshimitsu Morita Yukari Tachibana Yumi Morio Yuriko Ishida 1988 5.4 Japan Japanese Yoshimitsu Morita
Kanashi iro yanen: Directed by Yoshimitsu Morita. With Tôru Nakamura, Masahiro Takashima, Miwako Fujitani, Yuriko Ishida. A man works at a bank. He is the son of a yakuza thug. One day his father’s gang fights another group of thugs and the son steps in and helps. The son’s high school class-mate is also the son of a yakuza member. This man does not want to fight if he does not have to. The bank employee helps his father’s group transform into a computer accessory company. He is expecting money from his girlfriend’s rich father however.