Kajillionaire (2020)
61K Comedy Crime Drama Genre Adam Bartley Andrew Hawkes Betsy Baker Blanca Araceli Da'Vine Joy Randolph David Ury Debra Winger Diana Maria Riva Evan Rachel Wood Gina Rodriguez Kim Estes Mark Ivanir Matthew Downs Michael Twaine Michelle Gillette Miranda July Patricia Belcher Rachel Redleaf Randy Ryan Richard Jenkins Susan Berger 2020 7.2 English Germany Miranda July
Kajillionaire: Directed by Miranda July. With Richard Jenkins, Debra Winger, Evan Rachel Wood, Patricia Belcher. A woman’s life is turned upside down when her criminal parents invite an outsider to join them on a major heist they’re planning.
“I was more than a little sceptical having read the one star reviews. This is not laugh out loud comedy, more of a drama really. I and my wife in our 60u0026#39;s just loved this quirky movie. It was so well acted I think its Oscar worthy. I can understand all those people who need belly laughter humour. But yeah I nearly gave it 10 stars”