Highway to Havasu (2017)
14K Adventure Comedy Drama Genre Alex Hayek Amber Goetz Andrew Fromer Ben Edlin Caleb Thomas Drue Schaefer Crookston Jeff Janke Jesse Jane Johnny 3 Tears Joseph Tomasini Julia Austin Kayden Kross Kayla Compton Kaylani Lei Lily Berlina Maddison Bullock Michael Ciriaco Robert Sidman Saif Xnaydra Steve Lovato Viktoria Vinyarska 2017 English Jeff Janke null United States
Highway to Havasu: Directed by Jeff Janke. With Caleb Thomas, Ben Edlin, Andrew Fromer, Robert Sidman. During spring break, two buddies kidnap their broken-hearted friend and embark on a road trip to Lake Havasu.
“WARNING: I thought Iu0026#39;d watch HIGHWAY TO HAVASU to at least see some shots of a beautiful area where I used to live. I couldnu0026#39;t finish watching the film. WHY? Improbable plot. stupid dialogue. verbal and visual jokes that fall flat and are unfunny. Characters created by terrible actors trying anything to be funny and failing miserably. And most of all: horrific overacting by the leads and most of the supporting cast. LOUSY MOVIE! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!”