The English Teacher (2013)
58K Comedy Drama Genre Alan Aisenberg Alexander Flores Anthony Ippolito Bob Stephenson Brad Pitt Brynn Casey Charlie Dell Charlie Saxton Christie Cronenweth Christina Cabot Chuck Palahniuk Craig Zisk Dan Chariton David Andrews David Fincher David Lee Smith Dierdre Downing-Jackson Edward Norton Eugenie Bondurant Ezra Buzzington Fiona Shaw George Maguire Greg Kinnear Helena Bonham Carter Jessica Hecht Jim Breuer Jim Uhls John Hodgman Julianne Moore Katie Meinholt Lily Collins Meat Loaf Michael Angarano Nathan Lane Nikki Blonsky Norbert Leo Butz Poonam Basu Rachel Singer Remy Auberjonois Richmond Arquette Rob Lanza Sophie Lane Curtis Stacy Chariton Sydney 'Big Dawg' Colston Tim DeZarn Zach Grenier 2013 8.9 David Fincher English United States
The English Teacher: Directed by Craig Zisk. With Julianne Moore, Michael Angarano, Greg Kinnear, Lily Collins. An English teacher’s life is disrupted when a former student returns to her small town after failing as a playwright in New York.
“Because youu0026#39;ll probably be confused the first time around. Itu0026#39;s not a coincidence it stars some of the greatest actors of our time.”