Christmas Inn Farmstead (2020)
40K Drama Genre Romance Alex Galick Bruce Purcell Claudia Anderson Dara Xiong Dj Quaile Elizabeth Snoderly Emily Sue Bengtson Emmett Philip King Franchesca Fojas Greg Evigan Janet Fogg LeJon Woods Lexi Giovagnoli Lukas Erikson PaChia Vang Rachel O'Connell Sage Mears Stephen George Susan Chambers Sydney Gabriella King Tracy Fisher Travis Burns 2020 5.9 Elizabeth Snoderly English Sweden
Christmas Inn Farmstead: Directed by Elizabeth Snoderly. With Lexi Giovagnoli, Travis Burns, Greg Evigan, Rachel O’Connell. Two realtors compete for the same listing and have to spend time together at an Inn during Christmas.
“Begining is terrible. I almoust stoped watching. But the end is great. I like movies with good endings, so a rate higher”