Fighting with My Family (2019)
44K Biography Comedy Drama Genre Christine Ozanne Dwayne Johnson Ellie Gonsalves Elroy Powell Florence Pugh Grace Link Hannah Dodd Hannah Rae Jack Gouldbourne Jack Lowden Julia Davis Leah Harvey Lena Headey Mohammad Amiri Nick Frost Olivia Bernstone Stephen Merchant Thomas Whilley Tori Ellen Ross Vince Vaughn 2019 6.8 English Germany Stephen Merchant
Fighting with My Family: Directed by Stephen Merchant. With Dwayne Johnson, Thomas Whilley, Tori Ellen Ross, Nick Frost. A former wrestler and his family make a living performing at small venues around the country while his kids dream of joining World Wrestling Entertainment.
“The film was hilarious and it made me laugh constantly, Iu0026#39;m not familiar with the true story so I canu0026#39;t talk about that but I went to the cinema to watch a film that would make me laugh and it did just that.”