John Light (2019)
55K Drama Genre Alexis Bajzel Bella Bradley David Welty Dean Cain Earl Cooke Gary Lee Vincent Jason Campbell Jason DeRoss Katherine Elise Shaw Lee Bradley Liza Davis Lukas Klugh Mia Cooke Michael Ochotorena Michael Sigler Phuong Kubacki Richie Acevedo Sandy Kim Sean Berube Sean Dillingham Stephanie Bradley Timothy E. Goodwin 2019 6.3 English Jason Campbell United States
John Light: Directed by Jason Campbell. With Michael Ochotorena, Michael Sigler, Phuong Kubacki, Sandy Kim. John Light was one of the most dangerous inmates in Arizona’s State Penitentiary. But after accepting Christ in prison, he finds his real struggles are just beginning.
“I think this is one of the best movies Iu0026#39;ve seen in a while ! I Love movies and real life storyu0026#39;s of harden criminals and people that have lived a life of sin and God Saves them and uses them for His Glory ! The roads not easy, but Miracles happen all the time. We are weak but He is Strong. Watch this Movie, itu0026#39;s Awesome !!!”