Bernie, der Delfin (2018)
67K Adventure Comedy Family Genre Aqe Ben Siemer Braeden Sorbo Christopher Kirby Chuck the Frog Claus Wilcke Dahlia Legault Darla Delgado Davina Reid Fang Yu Glinda Götz Otto Irshad Panjatan Jarmo Puskala Jessica Veurman-Betts Jimel Atkins Johanna Sinisalo Julia Dietze Kevin Sorbo Kirk Harris Kym Jackson Lily Cardone Logan Allen Lola Sultan Mark Mineart Marty Poole Michael Cullen Michael Kalesniko Milo Kaukomaa Monika Gossmann Owen Harn Patrick Muldoon Peta Sergeant Sam Sorbo Samir Fuchs Sean Michael Gloria Shane Sorbo Stacey Spong Stelio Savante Stephanie Paul Terri Emerson Tilo Prückner Timo Vuorensola Tom Hoßbach Tony Armer Udo Kier Vincent De Paul Vivian Schneider 2018 5.1 English Kirk Harris Kuwait
Bernie, der Delfin: Directed by Kirk Harris. With Lola Sultan, Logan Allen, Kevin Sorbo, Stelio Savante. Two siblings try to bring a dolphin separated from his family back home.
“Really enjoy seeing strong family entertainment like this one. Reminded me of a films from the 90s with the kids battling against an evil guy in Kevin Sorbo while trying to save a dolphin they car about. These types of films can become very cheesy and this one didnu0026#39;t. The acting is very believable and not over the top. Dolphin footage is surprisingly well done for a non studio type film. My family had a ball watching it and my kids have already asked to see it again.”