The Last Smile (2016)
48K Biography Drama Genre Mystery Aaron Brown Alyson Chung Bettina Devin Cathy Ashland Cole Panther Danny Arroyo Dik Martin Elsa Amaya Jeff Applebaum Jeffrey Sun Karl J. Arana Kate Brennan Keith Stevenson Kip Baldwin Lizzie Ross Nolan Mecham Pascale Roger-McKeever Ranjita Chakravarty Ross Turner Shankey Srinivasan Terry Bowman 2016 6.7 English Shankey Srinivasan United States
The Last Smile: Directed by Shankey Srinivasan. With Danny Arroyo, Keith Stevenson, Bettina Devin, Cole Panther. Inspired by true events, this film chronicles the struggles of a bereaved father searching for answers to explain the untimely demise of his adult son. He gets the help from a private detective to investigate the case.
“The Last Smile is based on a true story and I find that incredibly inspiring to watch. The film keeps you on your toes till the very end. It entertains with twits and turns yet touches your heart with warm emotions while stimulating the mind at the same time.”