Something Wicked (2014)
23K Drama Genre Horror Mystery Angelique Perrin Betty Moyer Brittany Murphy Darin Scott Gilberto Martin del Campo James Patrick Stuart Jerry L. Buxbaum Joe Colleran Joe Feeney John Breen John Robinson Joseph Mungra Julian Morris Katie O'Grady Lance Rosen Megan Lee Joy Mona Leigh October Moore Patricia Malley Thacher Robert Blanche Shantel VanSanten Taber Cross Ti Young 2014 4.6 Darin Scott English United States
Something Wicked: Directed by Darin Scott. With Shantel VanSanten, Brittany Murphy, Julian Morris, James Patrick Stuart. As a young couple embarks upon their wedding plans, gruesome secrets from their past collide with sinister forces of the present to ensure these newlyweds do not live “happily-ever-after.”
“Please, do not hate on this movie – it caps off Brittu0026#39;s amazing career, so show it some respect. She was a beautiful , if profoundly troubled, soul. RIP Britt, you are beautiful.”