Santa Fake (2019)
38K Adventure Family Genre Romance Alli Valdez Charlene Fox Chris Sarandon Clark Sandford Damian McGinty Elias Gallegos Esodie Geiger Gary Farmer Gavin White Heather Morris J.M. Burris Jeff Fahey John Pielmeier John Rhys-Davies Judd Nelson Kate Jackson Pancho Moler Rebekah Wiggins Ricky Schroder Ryan Begay Ryan O'Malley Scott Clark Soledad St. Hilaire Sylka Feliciano Tom Holland Tony Amendola Wyatt Mortenson 2019 5.2 English J.M. Burris United States
Santa Fake: Directed by J.M. Burris. With Ryan O’Malley, Pancho Moler, Damian McGinty, John Rhys-Davies. The Christmas-themed family film will follow Pat Keeley, a young man from Ireland who has emigrated to the United States and finds himself caught up in an escalating whirlwind of shenanigans that takes him from New York to Santa Fe.
“Absolutely love this movie. My Grandkids have watched it several times as well as I have. Damian was a awsome Santa.”