Sour Grapes (2016)
60K Documentary Genre Arthur Sarkissian Bill Koch Brad Goldstein Corie Brown David Fredston Don Cornwell Eddie Tansil James P. Wynne Jason Hernandez Jay McInerney Jefery Levy Jerome H. Mooney Jerry Rothwell John Kapon Laurent Ponsot Maureen Downey Percy Rajat Parr Reuben Atlas Rudy Kurniawan Vincent Verdiramo 2016 7.1 English Reuben Atlas United Kingdom
Sour Grapes: Directed by Reuben Atlas, Jerry Rothwell. With Laurent Ponsot, Jay McInerney, Jefery Levy, Maureen Downey. Documentary about the fine and rare wine auction market centering around a counterfeiter who befriended the rich and powerful and sold millions of dollars of fraudulent wine through the top auction houses.
“Very interesting documentary, even for a person like me who isnu0026#39;t a wine drinker or wine collector.”