Boruto: Naruto – The Movie (2015)
52K Action Adventure Animation Genre Akira Ishida Atsushi Abe Chie Nakamura Daisuke Namikawa Hana Takeda Hidenori Takahashi Hiroyuki Yamashita Junko Takeuchi Kenshô Ono Kôki Miyata Kokoro Kikuchi Masashi Kishimoto Nana Mizuki Noriaki Sugiyama Ryôta Takeuchi Ryûichi Kijima Saori Hayami Satoshi Hino Shôtarô Morikubo Toshiyuki Tsuru Ukyô Kodachi Yôichi Masukawa Yukari Tamura Yûko Sanpei 2015 7.7 Germany Hiroyuki Yamashita Japanese
Boruto: Naruto – The Movie: Directed by Hiroyuki Yamashita, Toshiyuki Tsuru. With Yûko Sanpei, Kokoro Kikuchi, Ryûichi Kijima, Junko Takeuchi. It’s been some years since the end of the Shinobi War. Naruto Uzumaki is the 7th Hokage of Konohagakure, in this new era. His son, Boruto Uzumaki, will soon enter the Chûnin exams, alongside Sarada Uchiha and the mysterious Mitsuki.
“The thing is I watched Boruto before this and now I want to tell that this movie is pure dipiction of manga without any non-sense fillers like Boruto after 65 you can go Boruto and watch certain episode depicted from manga.”