Pi – System im Chaos (1998)
42K Drama Genre Horror Mystery Ajay Naidu Ari Handel Ben Shenkman Clint Mansell Darren Aronofsky Eric Watson Espher Lao Nieves Henri Falconi Isaac Fried Joanne Gordon Kristyn Mae-Anne Lao Lauren Fox Lloyd J. Schwartz Mark Margolis Oren Sarch Pamela Hart Peter Bardehle Richard Lifschutz Samia Shoaib Sean Gullette Sebastian Lindemann Stanley B. Herman Stephen Pearlman Tom Tumminello Udo Wachtveitl 1998 6.2 German Germany Peter Bardehle
Pi – System im Chaos: Directed by Darren Aronofsky. With Sean Gullette, Mark Margolis, Ben Shenkman, Pamela Hart. A paranoid mathematician searches for a key number that will unlock the universal patterns found in nature.
“Itu0026#39;s probably one of the most uninspiring and annoying movies about mountains iu0026#39;ve ever watched. It completely doesnu0026#39;t focus on the aesthetic and religious part of mountain exploration. It sticks to technology, economy and even indirectly praises the destruction of the environment. After watching this movie, i feel like the entirety of the mountain range should be protected as a national park, so people stop doing harmful and damaging things to one of the most beautiful regions in entire Europe.”